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“The Path of the Cross”

Mark 8:27-38

Pastor Luke Tanis

We’re at the halfway point of Mark. 

The first 8 chapters answer the question of "who is Jesus".

Christ has slowly revealed himself and today we see a turning point in the whole book. 

Jesus shifts focus and now begins to lay out more fully who He is and what His mission is.
What does it mean to follow Christ?

Jesus shifts the discussion to describing his mission. 

Explaining it clearly for them to see more clearly who Jesus 

Following Jesus is more than just an idea.

The choice to follow Jesus is the choice to surrender your life 

Following Jesus brings a claim on your entire life. 

2 foundational truths of following Christ. 

1. Following Christ requires a right understanding of Jesus.    

      A. His Identity. “Who do you say that I am”

Wrong answers: Who do men say that I am? 

You can see how much people misunderstood Jesus. How many even saw Jesus and flat out denied who he was. 

Some of the most religious people completely misunderstood Jesus

Yet Jesus knew how much the disciples were confused as well. 

Response of the Disciples

29. 29 He said to them, “But who do YOU say that I am?” Peter answered and said to Him, “You are the Christ.” “the messiah”

After 8 chapters, the disciples correctly answer Jesus.
They are slowly understanding Jesus. 

You are the Christ, you are the messiah. 

      B. His Mission.  “The son of man must….”


Here is where Jesus shifts gears. Seeks to remove any misunderstandings. 

He knew the disciples had certain expectations of Jesus as the messiah. What they did not expect was Jesus as the suffering servant ties directly to long awaited messiah 

4 Musts of the mission.

These aren’t mere coincidences that Jesus predicts will happen. These are God ordained events that Jesus must go through.  

Jesus shows this suffering, rejection and killing does not happen by the lowest members of society but the rather the best people society could put forward. 

These were intentional, deliberate, planned actions by leaders who did everything by the book. 

4 musts to accomplish the mission from God.
4 musts of God’s planned before the foundation of the world. 
God’s plan is perfectly accomplished. Nothing surprises Him. Nothing can stop Him.  

Now we see the shocked response by Peter and the disciples.

This is one of the more shocking interactions of Peter and Jesus. But it captures just how much The disciples misunderstood who Jesus was and what his mission was. 

Our passage today reveals very religious people, the best of the best deeply misunderstanding Jesus. 

The Jewish leaders. Peter and the disciples. 

This should provide a warning to stop and listen to Jesus himself.
Don’t be content to let culture shape your idea of Jesus. Listen to the words of Jesus. 

Understanding His mission is foundational for understanding who Jesus is and what our mission is 

The disciples could not fathom Jesus having to die. They did not understand Jesus or his mission. In the flesh it makes no sense. 

The issue for the disciples was they knew in part but missed much of what Jesus taught and their actions revealed a mis-understanding of Jesus and His mission. 


2. Following Christ requires complete loyalty to Christ. 

In order to genuinely follow Christ you have to understand what Christ expects of His followers and then live it out.  

The first step is knowing Christ. Answering “You are the Christ” but your actions must match that. Knowing Christ leads to Following Christ. 

Illustration.Have you ever read a Good book. the author has a way with words. describes the scene, the story so vividly it feels like you’re there. 

Sometimes if the plot gets too thick, or you don’t like how the story is going all you have to do is close the book.  The book is not your story. 

What we have here is not simply an invitation to tune in to the story of Jesus, to hear about an inspirational historical figure who accomplished great things while making a great sacrifice. 


The call to follow Jesus is an invitation to enter into His story.  To become an active participant in the story just like Jesus did with the disciples. 

You no longer just read about Jesus. you now become an active participant in the story. you go from reading about someone who carried a cross to now being called to carry your own cross. You hear of the disciples following Christ and now you are invited to follow behind Jesus. 

Note: Once you make the choice to follow Jesus, you have now entered into the story there is no turning back.  and there are conditions for everyone of the followers. 

What Jesus does is clearly lays out what those conditions are.  Complete loyalty 


He makes it clear it is not enough merely to talk about following Jesus 

Jesus calls believers to a complete giving of their life to Christ.
To actively participate in the way of Jesus no matter the cost.  

the moment you chose to follow Christ, your old life is finished. 

Jesus lays out the conditions of followers of Christ. 

and he does so by calling people to follow his path of suffering, rejection and death. Jesus calls us to follow him to the end. 

The call to follow Christ is a call for complete loyalty to Christ. 

        A. Complete loyalty is not optional

 “Whoever desires to come after me. or “Whoever wants follow after me”

everyone that is a christian is called to full allegiance to Christ. 

The call to follow Christ is not an optional call for a certain kind of believers.

Discipleship, following Jesus isn’t just for the super devoted Christians. 

    The call is to all followers….  “whoever desires to come after me”

    B. Complete loyalty includes all of you

Jesus is specific in what he calls believers to. 

1. Self-denial. 

Deny self: Definition: “to act in a wholly selfless manner, deny oneself”

“place the divine will before self”, This is refusing to be guided by self-interests. Instead of listening to motives, and desires that come from our sin nature you reject them. 

Self-denial. One author says “reckless abandon to the will of God” 

Christ don’t give the option to deny just part of self.

We must say NO to ourselves and say YES to God.

Understand: The choice to follow Jesus is not a call to comfort. It’s not a call to a feel-good cause.  The call to follow Jesus is a call to lose/deny yourself. 

Self denial is a transfer of control. total surrender 

There’s only room for one person at the center of your heart. 

  • Question: Who will it be? Deny self or deny Christ? 

You can’t have both. 2 different directions.  

Following Christ means you’ll no longer be in the driver seat.
He alone is your Lord and savior. 

When you choose to follow Christ, your will is no longer in control. 

“You can’t come to a king negotiating. You lay your sword at a king’s feet and say, ‘Command me.’ If you try to negotiate instead, if you say, ‘I’ll obey you if ... ,’ you aren’t recognizing him as king.” Tim Keller 

2. “Take up your cross”

  • What does “cross bearing” look like? 

We may not be called to bear a literal cross. But we are called to be willing to follow behind Christ on the path to the cross. You look ahead and see the sacrifice that Christ went through and say “I’m willing to give my live for the gospel if that’s what I’m called to do”. 

Taking up your cross means you accept the path to the cross as your own path.
This means, on the path to the cross you accept..
—Opposition. Treated like a criminal. 

—Shame and suffering. A willingness to die for Christ. 


Jesus was not talking about a culturally accepted icon. The cross was one of the greatest symbols of shame. Horrific torture.  Oppression.  Ruthless power 

For the disciples, The vaunted messiah called them to associate with the most horrific symbols possible.

Here in this passage, Christ made it clear that following Christ means you follow him on the path to the cross. Following Christ is more than just an idea to believe, It’s something you do. The disciples learned it will involve risk and sacrifice, shame and even death. 

There is great irony seeking to take up your cross in a country where the symbol of the cross may be one of the most popular symbols. It’s hard to to get groceries, go to the hospital to go almost anywhere without seeing it.  Don’t let that diminish the weight of what Jesus calls us to. 

This verse is not about carrying an symbol with you. This verse is about gladly embracing the path of the cross. 

3. “Follow me”

Apprentice. Disciple. Learn from Christ. Become like Christ. 

“intimate discipleship with Jesus”, “continuing fellowship with Jesus”

  SUMMARY:         Deny self. Turn away from self (my kingdom)

                               Take up your cross. Hold nothing back. Not even your life. 

                              Follow Christ. turn to Christ. (Your will be done)


Follow. Daily.  Present Tense. 

The expectation of every Christian is daily total commitment to following Jesus

 your life as a follower of Christ is marked. You are bought with a price. 


C.  Complete Loyalty involves sacrifice. (35-38) 

Christ gives warnings to the crowd. He wants them to be informed of what is expected of followers of Christ. 


“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”- Jim Elliot 

One of the clearest ways you can demonstrate a willingness to “lose” your life now is by recognizing that everything you posses is God’s. 

Surrendering your life to God. “Losing it now” brings the greatest return on your investment. 


Following Christ doesn’t mean God gets part of your life.

Following Christ means Christ gets all of your life. 

You’re willing to lose your life now so that you save it. 


Illustration: One of the greatest examples of this is when disaster comes. Flooding, rapidly spreading fires. People are seeking to protect their lives and so they flee. rising waters or spreading fires. In the midst of that you see a small group of people. What are they doing? They are moving to the danger. Most people fleeing. seeking comfort. These people are leaving their comfort.
They are willing to make great sacrifices. they are not in that moment thinking about protecting their life as much as they are about saving the lives of others.  Endless stories of men and women who gave their lives heading into danger so they could save others. 

the choice to follow Christ  is a call to surrender everything to God. to be willing to lay down our life if that’s what it costs.  Instead of craving comfort and acceptance you recognize you are leaving those behind. 

The cause is nothing else than doing it for christ himself and the gospels sake. 

Sacrifice is motivated by Christ

8:35. but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it.

1. My sake

2. Gospel

Contrast: “Gains the world/loses soul”

Jesus lays out the motivation for all of this! We surrender everything, endure anything for the sake of Christ. The one who went all the way to Christ. 

We are in the story, following Christ on the way to the Cross and we do this for the sake of Christ. That’s my savior and I will do anything for Him. complete allegiance. 

Our motivation for sacrificing now is the sake of Christ and The gospel. 

The 2 motivations are connected to each other. 

“Christ is known to us only through the gospel, and our adherence to the gospel means our loyalty to Him.” Heibert 


Daily. When you wake up. make the daily choice to follow Christ. . Remember the victory Christ accomplished. Let the joy of the Lord fill you as you deny yourself and follow Christ

Sacrifice includes temporary shame 

Some of you know what this is like. You’ve experienced shame in your workplace for talking about Christ. You’ve been at a family gathering where they shamed for you choosing to follow Christ and turn your back and family beliefs. 

Yet however big that shame may have felt then, it is such a small price to pay. â€‹


It is not enough to simply add Jesus to your live, to add some spiritual practices into your life and you can be called a follower of Christ. When you make the choice to follow Christ he makes a claim on your whole life. the path of the cross is not a friend of the world’s values. it goes against almost everything you see valued by the world. 

Jesus call you to Nothing less than total surrender of your will. 

Losing your life now is nothing compared to what you gain. 

In business terms, Losing your life is the greatest investment you can make. 


Where do you find yourself today? 

What is your answer to Christ’s Question “Who do you say that I am” 

This questions is foundational because in order to answer it Jesus is the Christ you have to answer it with your life. 

It May be your interested in Jesus but not willing to give up everything. 
interested in the story and values of Jesus but not willing to surrender your life?
Salvation is about complete surrender. If you have never done that you are still trying to save your life.

Listen to the words of Jesus

The claim that Jesus is the Christ brings a claim on your entire life. 

The gift of salvation is offered freely to you. Christ died for your sins. He walked the path of the cross, full of suffering, rejecting and death for you. 

What is your response? 

Today could be the day you asks God to forgive, you place your trust in Christ and surrender everything to God. Today could be the day you become a follower of Christ and enter into His story. 

Or have you listened to the invitation of Jesus to follow him. Have you surrendered your life? 

If so, Remember Jesus is not interested in part time disciples.
He is only interested in full-time, fully engaged disciples. He wants all of you because only then will you live life the way God planned for you

That brings us to today. Are you committed to following Christ? 

Following Christ means your values, your priorities look different than the world. You sacrifice where the world says save. You willingly accept rejection and shame. The world says do whatever you can to avoid rejection and shame. 

What in your life are you holding back? 

Ask for God’s forgiveness. Surrender that part of your life to God. I don’t know what it will look like going forward but I know I can no longer live this way. 

Ask God for help to daily follow Him.  It is not easy. we need God’s help and we need the help of others as we seek to follow Christ. 

Does your life declare. “I know Christ and I gladly follow Him?”



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